
“I am your worst fear come true…”

Although typically associated with a clown, IT is an entity, similar to that of an alien, that arrived on Earth during a meteor shower. As humans began populating the land that became Derry, IT began feasting on humans, particularly children, because of their susceptibility to fear, while manipulating adults into a neglectful stupor. Once satisfied, IT would fall dormant for 30 years before waking once more and continuing his torment over Derry.

Although IT is often portrayed as male throughout most of the novel and all film adaptations, it is implied that IT might be fluid or genderless, as it often takes form of what its prey fears most. When IT senses fearlessness in its prey, IT instantly devolves into its rawest form; the deadlights, or a swirl of orange lights with the ability to wreak insanity and death on the viewer.

IT Manifestations

IT (Miniseries)

Tim Curry as Pennywise

During the miniseries, IT typically took the form of a pasty clown, with frizzy, red hair, and an elaborate clown suit. When IT attacks, its eyes become somewhat reptilic, opting an orange-yellow tone with its teeth morphing into sharp, yellowed denticles.

As previously noted, however, IT took form of whatever its prey feared most.

  • IT manifested as a werewolf for Richie, who was afraid of the monster in “I Was a Teenage Werewolf”
  • For Ben, IT took the form of a swamp monster after his impersonation of Ben’s deceased dad fell flat
  • During the final battle, IT faces the Losers as a pregnant, reptilic spider
  • During one of Stan’s birdwatching trips, IT lures him into the Standpipe via whispers, before transforming into a mummy

IT & IT: Chapter 2

Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise

In the modern adaptations, IT took on a creepier approach, feigning childlike innocence and friendliness while simultaneously having the ability to make its prey unease and dread. With its wide forehead, IT almost looks infantile, with its facial features appearing smaller than normal. Furthermore, IT opts two lines that snake from the corner of his lips to his eyes, giving the impression of a bloody, permanent smile.

  • Although a clown is its standard form, Richie claims to fear clowns the most, thus incentivizing IT’s appearance as one
  • Upon realizing Beverly no longer demonstrated fear, IT reverted to the deadlights by unhinging its jaw
  • While returning a book to his dad’s office, Stan encounters Pennywise as the flute lady from a painting he fears
  • As a hypochondriac, Eddie’s biggest fears involve diseases and germs, thus IT’s manifestation as a leper
  • During the second chapter, IT becomes more aggressive, often demonstrating his needle-like teeth
  • Sensing Richie’s fear of the Paul Bunyan Statue, Pennywise posses it, chasing after Richie through Bassey Park
  • Fearing rejection from Beverly, Ben encounters a monster version of her during summer school, with her mocking him by enacting his “Winter Fire” poem by bursting into flames
  • During her reacquaintance with Derry, Beverly visits her old apartment and encounters Ms. Kersh, a witch-like monster with mouths on its neck

Left wanting more? Check out the novel, movies and miniseries!