Category: Characters

  • Pennywise


    “I am your worst fear come true…”

    Although typically associated with a clown, IT is an entity, similar to that of an alien, that arrived on Earth during a meteor shower. As humans began populating the land that became Derry, IT began feasting on humans, particularly children, because of their susceptibility to fear, while manipulating adults into a neglectful stupor. Once satisfied, IT would fall dormant for 30 years before waking once more and continuing his torment over Derry.

    Although IT is often portrayed as male throughout most of the novel and all film adaptations, it is implied that IT might be fluid or genderless, as it often takes form of what its prey fears most. When IT senses fearlessness in its prey, IT instantly devolves into its rawest form; the deadlights, or a swirl of orange lights with the ability to wreak insanity and death on the viewer.

    IT Manifestations

    IT (Miniseries)

    Tim Curry as Pennywise

    During the miniseries, IT typically took the form of a pasty clown, with frizzy, red hair, and an elaborate clown suit. When IT attacks, its eyes become somewhat reptilic, opting an orange-yellow tone with its teeth morphing into sharp, yellowed denticles.

    As previously noted, however, IT took form of whatever its prey feared most.

    • IT manifested as a werewolf for Richie, who was afraid of the monster in “I Was a Teenage Werewolf”
    • For Ben, IT took the form of a swamp monster after his impersonation of Ben’s deceased dad fell flat
    • During the final battle, IT faces the Losers as a pregnant, reptilic spider
    • During one of Stan’s birdwatching trips, IT lures him into the Standpipe via whispers, before transforming into a mummy

    IT & IT: Chapter 2

    Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise

    In the modern adaptations, IT took on a creepier approach, feigning childlike innocence and friendliness while simultaneously having the ability to make its prey unease and dread. With its wide forehead, IT almost looks infantile, with its facial features appearing smaller than normal. Furthermore, IT opts two lines that snake from the corner of his lips to his eyes, giving the impression of a bloody, permanent smile.

    • Although a clown is its standard form, Richie claims to fear clowns the most, thus incentivizing IT’s appearance as one
    • Upon realizing Beverly no longer demonstrated fear, IT reverted to the deadlights by unhinging its jaw
    • While returning a book to his dad’s office, Stan encounters Pennywise as the flute lady from a painting he fears
    • As a hypochondriac, Eddie’s biggest fears involve diseases and germs, thus IT’s manifestation as a leper
    • During the second chapter, IT becomes more aggressive, often demonstrating his needle-like teeth
    • Sensing Richie’s fear of the Paul Bunyan Statue, Pennywise posses it, chasing after Richie through Bassey Park
    • Fearing rejection from Beverly, Ben encounters a monster version of her during summer school, with her mocking him by enacting his “Winter Fire” poem by bursting into flames
    • During her reacquaintance with Derry, Beverly visits her old apartment and encounters Ms. Kersh, a witch-like monster with mouths on its neck

    Left wanting more? Check out the novel, movies and miniseries!

  • Georgie & The Losers’ Club

    Georgie & The Losers’ Club

    “No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want, need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart.”

    The Losers’ Club originated as Eddie, Bill, Stan, and Richie, with the former two befriending Ben after his run-in with Henry Bowers and invite him to build a dam in the Barrens. Ben, after mustering the courage, befriends Beverly, a girl in their class, and invites her to their project. After enough harassment from Bowers’ Gang, the group adopts its diminutive; The Losers’ Club.

    After sharing with one another their encounters with IT, the group’s bond strengthens, which is only reinforced by the numerous disappearances of children. After connecting the missing children incidents with his little brother’s death, Bill embarks on a mission against Pennywise with his friends.

    Georgie Denbrough

    Like any 6-year old, Georgie Denbrough fears the dark, admires his older brother, and enjoys playing in the rain. Unlike most children, however, the little boy loses an arm while trying to retrieve his paper boat from a clown-disguised monster lurking in the sewers. After being discovered and buried, Pennywise takes the form of Georgie, tormenting an already guilt-ridden and devastated Bill.

    Tony Dakota as miniseries Georgie

    Jackson Robert Scott as modern Georgie

    Bill Denbrough

    Described as a tall, goofy-grinned auburn-head with blue eyes, Stuttering Bill adopts the role as the group’s leader, managing to convince everyone that together, they could defeat IT, avenge Georgie, and prevent more disappearances from happening. After forcing Pennywise into early hibernation, he makes the group promise to reunite if IT returns.

    As an adult, Bill becomes a famous writer, loses his stutter, and marries a famous actress. Upon the uptick in murders, Mike calls Bill back to Derry, causing his stutter to return.

    Jonathan Brandis and Richard Thomas as miniseries Bill

    Jaeden Martell and James McAvoy as modern Bill

    Beverly Marsh

    Ostracized from most groups due to her low-working class status, Beverly befriends Ben first during class, eventually meeting the rest of the gang. The novel depicts her as having shoulder-length auburn hair, gray-green eyes, and pale skin with freckles, which inspire Ben to write her a love poem.

    Her first encounter with IT takes place in her bathroom, where after a wave of childlike whispers, a balloon grows from her sink drain and explodes, drenching her bathroom in blood.

    On a more serious note, the novel depicts her struggle with domestic violence at the hands of her father, who demonstrates unhealthy possessiveness over his daughter. Although she eventually leaves him behind to pursue her career as a fashion designer, she marries to someone equally, if not worse, than her father. (Thankfully she marries Ben in the novel and all adaptations follow suit!)

    Emily Perkins and Annette O’Toole as miniseries Beverly

    Sophia Lillis and Jessica Chastain as modern Beverly

    Ben Hanscom

    Although the smartest in his class, Ben receives constant bullying and harassment for being overweight. Described as having a sensitive and timid personality, Ben spends most of his time in the library before befriending the Beverly and the rest of the group.

    His first encounter with IT, according to the novel, occurs while crossing the Kissing Bridge afterschool, where Pennywise floats up to him from the Canal, offering him a balloon. He’s able to get away after Pennywise gets distracted.

    From an early age, Ben displayed engineer-like abilities, using them to help the Losers create an effective dam and building their underground clubhouse. It should come as no surprise that Ben grew up to be a widely recognized architect.

    Ben also underwent an intense weight loss journey, spurred by high school harassment and a bet with his gym coach.

    Brandon Crane and John Ritter as miniseries Ben

    Jeremy Ray Taylor and Jay Ryan as modern Ben

    Eddie Kaspbrak

    Labelled as the shortest of the group, Eddie is depicted as a small boy with dainty facial features, gray-blue eyes, and a flattop. After losing his father at an early age, Eddie became severely sick, causing his mother to grow paranoid and prevent her son from engaging in potentially strenuous activities, forcing his doctors to prescribe him placebos.

    Eddie first encounters Pennywise in the form of a leper while walking past 29 Neibolt Street. Due to his sheltered upbringing, the concept of every disease being on a walking human terrified Eddie to no end.

    As an adult, Eddie became the owner of a celebrity limousine company and, similar to Beverly, married someone with the same traits as his overprotective mother.

    Adam Faraizl and Dennis Christopher as miniseries Eddie

    Jack Dylan Grazer and James Ransone as modern Eddie

    Mike Hanlon

    As one of the few Black Americans in Derry, Mike suffers intense bullying from Henry, who resents him solely because of his own father’s jealousy towards the Hanlon’s successful farm.

    The first encounter Mike had with IT was during his exploration of the Kitchener Ironworks remains, where Pennywise manifests as a large bird, essentially recreating one of Mike’s childhood traumas.

    While running away from Henry’s gang, Mike stumbles into the Barrens, where the Losers stand up to Bowers via a rock fight. After sharing his own knowledge about Derry, including old photographs involving Pennywise, the Losers are further convinced of Pennywise’s involvement in the children disappearances.

    Mike was the only member of the group to stay in Derry, working as a librarian while meticulously searching for any sign of IT’s reemergence.

    Marlon Taylor and Tim Reid as miniseries Mike

    Chosen Jacobs and Isaiah Mustafa as modern Mike

    Richie Tozier

    Serving as the group’s comedian, Richie never fails to come up with a witty voice or impersonation to cheer up the group. Described as having thick-rimmed, coke-bottle glasses and buck teeth, Richie is often heard before he is seen, earning him the nickname “trashmouth.”

    Richie’s first encounter with IT occurs after a avoiding a run-in with Bowers’ gang. While walking down Bassey Park, Pennywise possesses the giant Paul Bunyan statue and attacks Richie, who runs away.

    Having a knack for comedy, Richie became a DJ, moving to Beverly Hills to advance his career. Unlike the rest of the group, Richie never married, leading many to speculate about his sexuality, particularly in the modern adaptations.

    Seth Green and Harry Anderson as miniseries Richie

    Finn Wolfhard and Bill Hader as modern Richie

    Stan Uris

    Also religiously harassed by Henry, and sometimes teased by Richie, Stan was part of the few Derry citizens of Jewish descent. For his age, Stan embodies maturity and an almost scientific approach to everything, considering he was the only one to refute IT’s existence regardless of having witnessed IT himself.

    His first encounter with IT occurs while birdwatching near the Standpipe. After being lured by Pennywise, IT manifests itself as the souls of drowned children. Stan, in a fit of panic, resorts to chanting bird names until he manages to escape the water-containing structure. He spends the rest of the day gaslighting himself into thinking he had fallen asleep and dreamt it all.

    Stan grows up to become a successful accountant, moving to Georgia with his wife. Promptly after getting off the phone with Mike, Stan, unlike the rest of the group, remembers everything all at once, leading him to commit suicide.

    Ben Heller and Richard Masur as miniseries Stan

    Wyatt Oleff and Andy Bean as modern Stan