Bowers’ Gang

We got bones to pick with a lot of you…”

While the adaptations center around Henry, Patrick, Victor, and Belch, the novel enlists three additional members: Peter Gordon, a wealthy kid who hung around Henry to help him with his social standing, Gard Jagermeyer, described as dumb and slow by Henry, and Moose Sadler, another boy described as dumb and slow Henry.

It is assumed that all three suffered the same fate as Patrick, Victor and Belch.

Henry Bowers

Coming from a broken home, Henry helps around his father’s farm, making him physically stronger than most kids his age. Exhibiting sociopathic and sadistic traits, Henry enjoys tormenting his peers, often doing so with other gang members.

After being subject to his father’s racist comments about the Hanlon’s, Henry begins to incessantly harass Mike, going as far as killing his dog for the sake of sharing a beer with his dad.

As the summer evolves, Henry loses touch with reality as Pennywise manipulates him into killing the Losers’ Club. After the Losers defeat It for the first time, Henry is arrested and charged for the murder of his father, as well as the missing children’s incidents. He is deemed unfit for trial and sent to Juniper Hill Asylum.

Although Pennywise manages to break Henry out, under the guise of revenge, Eddie fatally stabs Henry out of self-defense.

Jarred Blancard and Michael Cole as miniseries Henry

Nicholas Hamilton and Teach Grant as modern Henry

Patrick Hockstetter

Considered to be one of the most disturbing characters in the novel, the film adaptations tend to either; water down the character, like in the modern film adaptations, or just exclude the character altogether, like the miniseries.

Described as heavy built and pale, Patrick depicts sociopathic and apathetic tendencies, as well as a rare case of solipsism, in which he believes he’s the only real person in existence.

Although he carried a calm demeanor, Patrick carried out violent acts in silence, killing animals and hiding them in a junkyard fridge, or capturing and exhibiting dead flies on the school playground. He is also depicted to violate personal boundaries, often touching those who sit around him in class.

Most grim of all, Patrick is said to have suffocated his little brother at the age of five, viewing him as a burden and potential replacement.

Patrick meets his fate upon opening his dead animal fridge, with leeches flying out and bleeding him dry.

Owen Teague as the modern Patrick

Victor Criss

Described as the most intelligent of the gang, Victor is among the first to notice Henry’s descent into insanity. While Victor seems to enjoy messing with the Losers’ Club, he showed hesitation when it came to physically harming people.

During the late summer, around the time Henry completely loses his mind to Pennywise, Vic approaches the Losers and warns them of Henry’s mindset, even considering joining the Losers but not following through in the end.

Victor eventually dies at the hands of Pennywise while helping Henry hunt the Losers in the sewers.

Gabe Khouth as miniseries Victor and Logan Thompson as modern Victor

Belch Huggins

Known because of his ability to manipulate his burps, Belch serves as the most generic member of the Bowers’ Gang. Aside from being talented in baseball, Belch had a part-time job as a magazine delivery boy.

While present during Henry’s attack on Ben, Belch along with Victor exclaim in protest as Henry moves to carve his name onto Ben’s abdomen.

Belch dies at the hands of IT trying to protect Henry during his hunt for the Losers.

During Henry’s escape from the asylum, Pennywise manifests Belch as Henry’s chauffeur while driving into Derry.

Drum Garrett as miniseries Belch and Jake Sim as modern Belch